Warren Shuros (Rochester, MN) grew up on a farm with all the associated chores, projects, and hunting interests. While in college, he worked summers for lumberyards. When an opportunity arose to buy some hunting land, his wife said yes IF he built her a cabin. So, he did. He learned woodworking naturally over time. Now with support from his wife Lois and tips from an older brother, the forested hunting land is being put to use.
The cabin property included a very large, old bur oak tree that had a burl on the side 8 feet up the size and shape of a buffalo head. So, he called it the Buffalo Oak. In early 2020, the Buffalo Oak died. He harvested it and uses the wood to honor the old tree with its beautiful woodgrain. Upon harvesting the tree, he counted the rings estimating its age and found it was clearly over 330 years old.
Warren’s artistic woodworking pieces include all types of tables, wall art, benches, and charcuterie/cutting boards. If desired, dyed epoxy is used to create “rivers” or other colored designs in the pieces. Clear epoxy provides a high gloss finish. Wipe-on poly and Danish-oil creates a softer, satin finish. FDA-approved, food grade epoxy is used for charcuterie boards. In addition to oak, he works with cherry, red elm, red cedar, ash, boxelder, and walnut. All the trees come from his cabin property.
Warren is a member of Northeast Iowa Artists Studio Tour, and a member of Gallery 24 in Rochester, MN. His business, Buffalo Oak Woodworking, specializes in making pieces tailored to meet customer’s needs and tastes. His cabin and workshop are in Northeast Iowa.
Warren and Lois established a charitable endowment for conservation and preservation of the North and South Bear Creek watersheds, the area around his cabin. Proceeds from his woodworking all go into the endowment fund.