The Art of Medicine; the Medicine of Art
My dream is to find and share beauty through my art. From an early age, I was drawn to both the healing power of medicine and of art. As I honed my skills in the art of medicine over a 30+ year career as a physician, I found artistic expression in medical career related goals. Over time, my passion for capturing beauty led me to explore the world of painting with oils. At first, it was a hobby, a way to decompress from the challenges of medicine. As my skills in painting began to progress, I learned that capturing and sharing the beauty of the world through art created a positive, healing environment for others as well as for me. Over time, I realized that there is a remarkable shared common ground between these two worlds – medicine and art. The medicine of art, and the art of medicine, are more closely linked than we might think. With a little creativity, imagination, and courage, they can be blended to create something truly unique.
While most of my life has been dedicated to medicine and best understanding the complexities of anatomy and the diagnosis of disease, my current life goal is to celebrate and share beauty through art and continue to positively impact the lives of others. I have committed half of the proceeds received through sale of my art to charitable needs by donating these proceeds to help alleviate medical expenses for patients who seek hope and healing in their lives. Currently these proceeds will be donated to:
The Ronald McDonald House (https://www.rmhcmidwestmwi.org)
The Mayo Clinic Poverello Foundation (https://philanthropy.mayoclinic.org/Poverello), or
Seasons Hospice (https://www.seasonshospice.org).
My personal website at tjvrtiska.com catalogs my artistic journey. It is my wish that the paintings you find here reflect beauty in the world and will ultimately bring joy and be of service to others. As Dr. William Osler (the ‘Father’ of Modern Medicine) said “The practice of medicine is an art, not a trade; a calling, not a business; a calling in which your heart will be exercised equally with your head.”